Bike Paths, Roundabouts,
              & Coastal Access

SBCAG and Caltrans are working with partner agencies on local projects related to the Highway 101 widening. Projects include the Rincon Multi-Use Trail, Santa Claus Lane Streetscape and Bikeway, Olive Mill Roundabout, San Ysidro Roundabout and Stop Signs, the Cabrillo Underpass, and multiple coastal access improvement projects.

Mussel Shoals to Carpinteria
Related projects map
Santa Claus Lane Bikeway Completed

The City of Carpinteria and the County worked with Caltrans and SBCAG on a new Class 1 bikeway to connect Santa Claus Lane to Carpinteria Avenue. This connected a gap in the California Coastal Trail between Sandpoint Drive and Carpinteria Avenue.

Completed Santa Monica / Via Real Intersection

The City of Carpinteria and Caltrans improved the intersection at Santa Monica Road and Via Real to improve traffic flow along with bicycle and pedestrian circulation.

Project Map 4B
Padora Lane Coastal Access Improvements Completed

The County of Santa Barbara improved coastal access by extending a sidewalk and path from the existing North Padaro bridge over Union Pacific Railroad to Loon Point Park to an existing coastal access trail head. There are also new California Coastal Trail and Access signs.

Coastal Access sign California Coastal Trail sign
Santa Claus Lane Streetpath, Path and
              RailRoad Crossing

The County of Santa Barbara is working on pedestrian, bike, and coastal improvements along Santa Claus Lane. This project includes a bike path from Sandpoint Road to Padaro Lane, a roundabout at the east end of Santa Claus Lane, a new legal crossing for beach access, and enhanced parking along Santa Claus Lane. The County is also seeking funding to create permanent bathrooms.

Please visit the project site for more information.

Project Map 4C
Summerland Area Coastal Access Improvements

The County of Santa Barbara is working on a variety of coastal access improvements in Summerland. At Wallace Road, coastal parking and pedestrian access to the beach will be enhanced. On Via Real, a multipurpose path will close a gap in the California Coastal Trail. The County is also looking to improve recreation facilities at Lookout Park that will be funded by the County.

Please visit the project site for more information.

Project Map 4D and 4E
Cabrillo Interchange

The City is leading work to replace the Cabrillo Boulevard railroad undercrossing between Highway 101 and Los Patos Way to improve circulation for vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians. This project will provide safety and access improvements on a key part of the California Coastal Trail in Santa Barbara.

At Los Patos Way and Cabrillo Boulevard, the City is building a new roundabout to improve circulation between the beach, Montecito, the neighborhood, and local businesses. The roundabout will be complete in 2025. The railroad undercrossing improvements are anticipated to begin 2027.

Please visit the project site for more information.
Completed Olive Mill Intersection Improvements

A new roundabout will improve traffic flow at the five-point intersection of Olive Mill Road, Coast Village Road, North Jameson Lane, the Highway 101 northbound off-ramp, and the Highway 101 southbound on-ramp.

San Ysidro Intersection Improvements Completed

A new roundabout will improve traffic flow at the intersection of San Ysidro Road, the Highway 101 northbound on- and off-ramps, and North Jameson Lane. Across the freeway bridge, new stop signs will create a four-way, stop-controlled intersection of the Highway 101 southbound off-ramp, San Ysidro Road, and South Jameson Lane.